MINING – Petrichor

From the Bandcamp page: “Over a period of seven days in October 2017, the devastating Atlantic Hurricane Ophelia fed straight into another weather event, known as Storm Brian in the UK. MINING mapped the data from this storm onto various musical values and parameters, including harmonic range, pitch, density and volume – resulting in a continuous piece of electronic sound design that directly traces the contours of the two storm systems. After several iterations, improvised instrumental performances were added on piano, cello and synthesiser. “

Craven Faults – Deipkier

From the Bandcamp page: “Erratics & Unconformities is the first album by Craven Faults. It follows three EPs: Netherfield Works, Springhead Works and Nunroyd Works. Real-time journeys across decades and continents, and swathes of post-industrial northern Britain. “

Sarathy Korwar – Mumbay (feat. MC Mawali)

Born in the US, Sarathy Korwar grew up in Ahmedabad and Chennai in India. Now based in London. From the upcoming album More Arriving, out on . Available to pre-order from Bandcamp as Digital Album, CD, Vinyl LP, and/or limited edition transparent red Vinyl LP (edition of 700).

Tags#hip-hop/rap #jazz #non-english #world-music